Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Medications and Your Mouth

   Can’t figure out why your teeth are breaking, your mouth is dry, your food tastes different, your gums are swelling, or you keep getting new cavities?  Maybe it’s your Prescription Medicines! The fine print that accompanies your medication may be difficult to read, but it contains some very important information you should know.
   If you are taking just ONE medication, there is a 50/50 chance you will have some type of adverse reaction to it. It could be hives, itching, upset stomach, swelling, etc. If you are taking TWO medications, there is a 90% chance you will have an adverse reaction between the interaction of those two medications and your body’s reaction.  If you take THREE or MORE medications, it’s practically guaranteed you will have an adverse reaction.
   You can’t stop taking the medicine, so what do you do?  If you have a dry mouth, which is a common side effect of over 400 medications, try to keep your mouth moist. A dry mouth gets cavities much faster. Over the counter products like Biotene help. Sipping on water and keeping it convenient throughout the day helps.
   The biggest help you can do at home is keep your teeth and gums as clean as humanly possible. That will cut down on cavities, help your breath, and keep your mouth feeling much fresher. Not to mention, save you many trips for dental care.
   So read the labels of your medications, look out for the interactions between them, and keep your mouth super clean. These simple steps can make your life much more enjoyable, especially eating! (And you know I like to eat!)

In the Interest of Better Dental Health,

 Dr. Chuck