Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Do You Have Missing Teeth? New Implant Techniques for Missing Teeth.

Implants are great!  But there is a drawback.  Once the implant is placed, you generally have to wait 3-4 months before you can put the crown on.  The Implant and bone have to fuse.  Once they do, the implant is solid for life.

Most people don’t want to go around without teeth for a while, or wear a temporary denture that fits like socks on a rooster. The gum tissue changes daily with healing and there are constant sore spots.
There is a new technique for people missing all of their teeth in an arch (upper or lower). We are now able to place the implants and put the teeth in on the same day!  And research shows that the implant and bone fuse just great. This new hybrid denture doesn’t put any pressure on your gum tissue, so it is immediately more comfortable.

Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to eat a meal in total comfort? For most people, it’s available!  Just ask us how.
To Your Dental Health,   
      Dr. Chuck