Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Welcome to my First Blog in Awhile....Our Latest Technical Improvements in the Office.

     It's been a long time since I last blogged about what's new in the office. I'm excited to share the newest technology we have upgraded to in the office.        

      If you’ve been with us over the last 20-30 years you know we do our best to stay up with technology.  We’ve added computers that make crowns in about an hour, digital x-rays and photos, Laser cavity detector (DIAGNOdent), Computerized Bite Analysis (T-Scan® III Computerized Occlusal Analysis System), and many other pieces of equipment that help us provide you with comprehensive dental care.

     We recently upgraded our existing CEREC® machine to the CEREC® AC with Bluecam.  This technology allows us to do practically ALL of our single tooth crowns (other than cosmetic cases) within about a week, instead of the usual 2-3 weeks. Before this technology, there were some crowns we had to send out to be made by the laboratory.  We still will be using the laboratories, but mostly for the larger cases. The new CEREC® AC with Bluecam can even take impressions of your whole mouth and send those impressions safely and securely over the Internet to one of the dental laboratories we use.  What does this means to you? That’s easy:  less mess; quicker turn-around, digital records of your teeth, and even stronger restorations.

     So if you need a crown, ask us about the new CEREC® AC.  This technology is really “Cool Beans!”  

    To Your Dental Health!     Dr. Chuck