Thursday, March 1, 2012

“It’s Good To Be Dentally Healthy!”

     Russell (not his real name) came to the office just to keep his wife from nagging him. Nothing bothered him. Some teeth were chipped or loose, but he was dentally comfortable. There were other medical issues like diabetes and heart stents, but these can’t be related to your mouth, can they?

     As Russell learned, yes they can! The mouth is a clearing house for millions of bacteria. These bacterial cause not only cavities and gum disease, but they get into your blood stream and can affect your heart, strokes, diabetes, and they’ve even shown links to arthritis, Alzheimer’s, and liver issues.

     Think of your daily dental clean-up routine as a clean-out for your body. Getting the millions of bacteria out of your mouth so they don’t affect your heart, joints, or other medical issues is preventive medicine. Just a few weeks ago I heard an interesting statement. “If you can’t afford prevention, how can you ever afford treatment?”

     Russell says his mouth feels better. He was so used to the bad taste, he thought it was normal! It was a welcomed surprise that his mouth could actually taste good, food could taste better, and he had more energy than he did before.

     If you’ve been putting off your periodic check-up and professional cleaning, get back in sequence. Your health, your comfort, and your wallet will thank you!(Prevention is economical!)
      In the Interest of Better Dental Health,

                                           Dr. Chuck